Fears and Phobias
What are you afraid of?
Fear is an emotional and physiological behavioral response to a threat; part of a natural defense mechanism Mother Nature gave us to help keep us safe and out of harm’s way. As with all behaviors and emotions, almost all of our fears are learned responses, and many of us learn to fear things that are not really threats at all. A fear of flying or public speaking, a fear of dogs, or needles or clowns are a few common examples.
Having an experience that transforms a natural and prudent sense of caution into fears or anxiety that limit your ability to partake in activities considered a normal part of life, like driving on the freeway, flying, or riding an elevator can also be devastating to your quality of life. You may also develop a fear that grows so out of proportion to the actual threat (which may even be nonexistent) that your reaction is actually irrational and possibly incapacitating, some times causing a full-blown panic attack. In this case you have a phobia. Phobias, even to harmless things like mice, spiders, needles, enclosed or open spaces, Los Angeles freeways, etc, can be paralyzing and for many, embarrassing.
Fears, phobias and general anxiety issues are as varied as there are types of people, and are also very treatable. Most of my clients respond both quickly and dramatically with hypnosis / hypnotherapy and my Synthesis process— we can often completely erase a fear or phobia in as few as two or three sessions.
If you suffer from a fear, phobia, or anxiety that is preventing you from living life the way you want to, or is limiting your success at work or you’re ability to play and enjoy yourself, I can help you get back in control. Why wait another day?
800- 369-1516