A Better You in a Minute or Two, # 2: Let’s Fly!
First, thanks to all of you who sent in emails and texts with feedback, suggestions, ideas and encouragement. I so appreciate it, and ask that you keep em coming.
Welcome to this week’s episode, Let’s Fly! Now that we know that we all have “stuff” and that our stuff is fixable with a little help, it’s time to explore why we often need that help. One of the most frequent questions I get around creating changes in life revolves around the fact that most people think they should just be able to “do it.” Not so, and for a very good reason. In this video, I begin to explain why it’s not so easy to fly solo and have success. So, if you’re ready, you are cleared for takeoff. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. And thanks in advance for sharing and for your continued input. Let me know what you think, and send me your ideas; what would you like to see covered in the future? Here’s the link to today’s episode.