How do we create a better you?
Most prospective clients are curious and ask how their hypnotherapy sessions will work. There are no absolute formulas or pat answers. Every client comes in with individual issues and particular needs and desires, and thus receives very personalized care. Unlike the procedures you may find at some clinics, you will never be asked to watch videos or listen to audio tapes in your office sessions; you will always see and work with me personally. It is also very much a partnership; we work together to get you the results you’re seeking, and I employ a powerful combination of therapeutic modalities to ensure you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.
Your first office session will be scheduled for about ninety minutes. We’ll begin by discussing your personal situation and what you want to accomplish. You will learn all about hypnosis; how it works and what it feels like. I will analyze your linguistic processing patterns, and help you become very comfortable with the process of entering and experiencing hypnosis. You will find that hypnosis is extremely relaxing, refreshing, and energizing, and you will feel a change in yourself after the very first session.
Subsequent sessions are usually scheduled for an hour at a time and we usually will plan to meet once a week at the outset of your program. Each hourly session consists of an initial discussion, reviewing your progress, your homework, and exploring any developments arising since your last session, all of which helps guide our therapeutic strategy. As you progress, we will also adjust the frequency of your sessions as appropriate. When you have attained your goals, usually pretty quickly, we’ll conclude your therapy. Some clients then choose to continue working, perhaps on other issues; many go back to their lives, their new, happier lives.
800- 369-1516