At some time or another we all feel the desire to make changes to improve the quality of our lives. And most people find that actually making those changes, even seemingly simple ones, then making them stick can be more challenging than they ever imagined. Conscious desire and willpower are usually just not enough, and most people after a while find themselves slipping right back into their old undesirable and automatic patterns. It is not a sign of weakness to regress, but instead the result of how our minds work – part of basic human nature is to naturally resist change and cling to our established patterns, even when those patterns – behaviors, habits, beliefs and emotions – are harmful to our well being and keep us from enjoying the life we want and deserve.

The key to lasting change is to establish alignment between your conscious mind, where your desires for change form, and your subconscious mind, the source of your emotions and behavioral patterns.Hypnotherapy, NLP, Timeline Therapy® and the other tools I use are all natural, painless, safe and very powerful catalysts for creating that alignment.
Introducing Dr. John’s™ Synthesis™
Creating a Better You – in fewer sessions!
I am proud to offer an exciting and powerful new therapeutic protocol. The McGrail Method™ of Quantum Synthesis, or more simply Synthesis, combines hypnosis and related modalities in synthesis with quantum theory and ancient shamanic mind empowering techniques to help you create lasting change more profoundly and quickly than ever before. The possibilities for changing your life are nearly endless, limited only by your imagination, desires, and willingness to harness the natural power of your mind. If you can imagine it, and you’re willing to commit to making the change a reality, then you can be the person you want to be, and live the life you want to live. It is your birthright, why not claim it?
Below you will find a list of some of the most common issues I work with, divided for your convenience into six basic categories. If you have any questions, I invite you to call me at my Los Angeles office at any time for a free consultation.
Stress and Anxiety
Quit Smoking
Weight Loss
Fears and Phobias
Personal Growth
Health and Wellness
Enhance Performance